Thursday, December 4, 2008

Advent Conspiracy

I know class is pretty much over and the chances of anyone seeing this is slim, but I just had to post it. A little back story, The past few years I have really wrestled with accepting gifts. I have been fighting this battle that I could never win. I feel that the money used for the gift could be better spent with someone else. I'm a huge fan of giving, I love to do it, it's more enjoyable. So this Christmas this is what I want to do....

If you don't want to give water there are a ton of other trustworthy organizations that help people. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Scion Advertising

Scion xA

Year: 2006
Ad Agency: ATTIK

Q & A
I really enjoy this commercial because it is visually and audibly stimulating. There are fast, bright, colorful animations and a noticeably catchy hip-hop beat in the background. These kinds of things grab my attention because shiny lights, especially with animations, easily amuse me. The lights and sounds are all part of the larger picture though; it’s the small things that really bring this advertisement to life. They use pieces of the city and bring them to life and make them a part of the car, and vice versa. Some of the most notables are when the car is in the alley and the alley becomes the graphics on the car, or when the tread from the tire becomes the city, how about when the sewer cap becomes the new wheels for the car, and my favorite part, when the pedestrian sign comes to life and jumps in the car and gives it a glow. It’s definitely not something I’m proud to admit but I’m pretty sure that everything that makes the commercial memorable for me is also everything that is “puffery,” or exaggerated. Everything that happens either to the city or to the car actually can’t happen, or at least the way Scion depicts it happening. A car can have graphics put on it, however it can’t have graphics magically put on it by driving into a dark alley and elements from the alley taking shape on the car. Just as tire tread can’t become a city. So in essence without puffery this commercial becomes dull. Thus can beg to question what is Scion “trying to sell here?” Scion is selling more than just their car. They are selling the opportunity to create your own car. Scion is marketing individuality through their product. Create the car you want and we’ll give it to you. “We want your customization to be endless,” that’s what they’re trying to say. The placement of the ad was normally on MTV or during sports programs, so the target market was a typical male 18-24. I believe they were targeting the “mod” scene crowd, the “Fast and the Furious” folk. Everything about the ad was appealing to the targets because it had crazy modern visuals (art) and a kickin’ beat. And lastly, I did buy this product, however I bought it before I saw the commercial. The commercial just made me even happier with my purchase. I bought it because of the endless possibilities I had with the car.

On a side note, I no longer have my car. I was deeply saddened the night I lost it.

However once I get money I plan on trying to get another one. The accident :( wasn’t my fault

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rift Fournier and what Web 2.0 may mean to you!

Even though we had a short time with Rift Fournier, it was still very informative. He had a lot to say in that short time. He was full of stories concerning the film making business. Rift has done a little of everything ranging from writing, producing, acting, etc. He told us how he got into the entertainment business and how difficult it can be. But he was very optimistic with his words describing how he never gave up, he pushed for what he wanted. He kept reaching for his dream. In the same way he told us to do the same. Even if you start small it can be the key to how the rest of your life will turn out. The way Rift spoke was with pride and confidence. He said what he wanted and meant it. He didn’t hide the truth from you. Even if it wasn’t necessarily appealing. It was an honor to meet someone with such humbleness and pride for what he did, and who he is. I just think it’s amazing when someone leaves their dream to help others achieve theirs.

Web 2.0 can be defined as being limitless, unending, and ever growing. I’m really enjoying discovering more and more about Web 2.0. The future of where the Internet is going is entertaining and apparently hard to keep up with. We were once asked to sign up for an experiment with the website Twitter. With as fairly new as Twitter is, there is already a replacement. It’s called Twinger. It’s like Twitter on steroids. Check it out (they even have a tutorial video from YouTube posted, so it’s pretty much dummy proof). MySpace and Facebook have had major overhauls recently. Neither really getting great reviews from users, but nonetheless they are “improved” versions.
And of course I couldn’t talk about Web 2.0 without mentioning Google. Google controls a lot and they offer a lot. They just recently created a phone to compete with the iPhone. They also have their own web browser called Google Chrome. They also have tons of applications and various search engines. I’m pretty sure Google expands everyday.
Web 2.0 is so much bigger than this post, but then again this is just supposed to be a general statement.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Presidential Election

Share your thoughts as results begin to come in. Did you have troubles at the polls? Did you notice anything awkward at your polling place? Did you capitalize on any of the giveaways from Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, or Ben and Jerry's? Do you like the idea of being enticed to vote? If you didn't vote, why? If you did, was it a good experience?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Here's a blog I read! TVNewser

I just recently started reading other blogs, as before I didn’t follow them because it was hard to find a blog that wasn’t all opinionated jargon. I have been following TVNewser, a blog from TVNewser reports news about news. It’s really entertaining to read from people who report about reporters. The best part of it all is that, especially with politics, they are relatively unbiased. For multimedia value they post videos, pictures, and hyperlinks. TVNewser also posts ratings for the top news stations and their top segments (O’Reilly, Hardball, AC360). I was quite surprised with Fox News Channel’s ratings after all the flack they receive. But I guess you attack the strongest to gain attention.
I really enjoy what TVNewser has to offer. The stories are informative and entertaining. The site keeps me updated on everything that is news. I’m beginning to read this everyday, that’s how much I like it.

TV and Internet Convergence

To deny that the Internet has had an impact on how you view television would be a lie. Shows no longer need to be watched the night of the airdate. Websites now make it possible to watch most of your favorite shows online. In my opinion this is one of the greatest uses of convergence so far. It’s right there with the use of Internet and mp3 players on cell phones.
The five major networks, Fox, CBS, NBC, CW, and ABC, all offer full episodes of their shows on their websites, some more than others. CBS really seems to be lacking on placing full episodes of their shows online. Less than 50% of their shows are online. Of the shows online they aren’t even complete series’. There are just random episodes of their shows. Even with a failing Sunday night lineup, the CW still posts full episodes of all their shows except one. NBC definitely does one of the best jobs of the networks with posting its shows. Proportionally NBC has a lot more content to post and they have close to all of it on their site. ABC does a really great job too. CBS really needs to pull it together and realize where the future is.
The Internet was originally considered a threat to the television industry. However, television companies have adapted to the Internet and how to show full episodes, while still making money. That was the whole fiasco. ‘How will we make money and stay rich’ with this whole Internet thing?! They get sponsors for the online episodes and where normal commercial breaks would be, the sponsors get up to one-minute spots to advertise.
All-in-all, this is what I find to be so great about online viewing, short advertising spots and most websites have additional videos from the TV shows. I think no matter what, when convergence comes into the picture, people on the other side of the media get scared because they are unsure of what it means for their future. In the end convergence tends to be common place now-a-days and is widely adaptable.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Presidential Debate 10/15

Last night I listened to the presidential debate on the radio and then I watched the debate on television afterwards, which I had recorded. I have not listened or watched any analysis so this is truly my opinion of the debate.
I did like the questions, however I don’t think they held the candidate’s to the questions like they said they would. Both candidates’s skated around issues with answers coming later in their speech.
I originally listened to the debate on 97.1 FM Talk, and later watched a recorded version from CNN, not by choice, but because LU offers no other reliable network.
As I listened to the debate at the beginning I felt as though Senator John McCain came off very strong and confident, as Senator Barack Obama came off as nervous (his stuttering) and excessively charismatic and lack of emotion. Some of the most notable moments for me at the beginning were really just after the first question and each candidate’s rebuttal. John McCain would regularly get fired up on an issue or a statement that was made which made me believe he was more human. As human beings, it is natural to experience moods of anger, happiness, sorrow, guilt, and glee. I heard that from McCain. Obama on the other hand made me feel mushy. He continually would try and make things seem careless, soft spoken, hardly any change in tone. To me it sounded like he was talking down to me, “Oh it’s okay little college student in America, it’s okay that you don’t understand what I’m saying so long as my words comfort you.” Of course he really didn’t say that, but that’s what it felt like. I was also introduced to “Joe the plumber” early on; also it was awesome to hear name-dropping, as if it would make any difference, “my friend Warren Buffet,” said Obama. Thanks for letting me know that you’re buddies with the top 5% of America. To which McCain replied, “We’re talking about Joe the plumber.” See, humor. People can be funny even if they are over 70 and running for president.
Some other great quotes from the night included Obama’s “agree to disagree”. What about when he said, “I’ll reach across the aisle.” I guess he won’t reach across?? Also I wasn’t very fond of his Fox News comment that they rarely take his side or when Obama said that “100%” of McCain’s ads are negative. Really, 100%, every commercial?

My favorite McCain moment was when he said, “I’m not President Bush. If you wanted to run against President Bush, you should have run four years ago.”
The first 30-40 minutes of the debate were the most interesting. Things died down in the end. It seemed like they were tired of fighting each other.
If either candidate came out on top I think it was McCain. But that would merely be on the premise that I enjoy his attitude and how he handles himself.
To better come across to voters Obama needs to look at McCain more when he’s talking to him or about him. It would be nice if McCain wouldn’t blink so often, but I guess it would also be nice to know that if the reason he blinks so much is from being tortured and he can’t control it.
I have made my decision and I will be voting for McCain. But the primary reason I’m voting for McCain is because I don’t want to live in a socialistic society lead by Obama.
Meet Joe: