Friday, October 31, 2008

Here's a blog I read! TVNewser

I just recently started reading other blogs, as before I didn’t follow them because it was hard to find a blog that wasn’t all opinionated jargon. I have been following TVNewser, a blog from TVNewser reports news about news. It’s really entertaining to read from people who report about reporters. The best part of it all is that, especially with politics, they are relatively unbiased. For multimedia value they post videos, pictures, and hyperlinks. TVNewser also posts ratings for the top news stations and their top segments (O’Reilly, Hardball, AC360). I was quite surprised with Fox News Channel’s ratings after all the flack they receive. But I guess you attack the strongest to gain attention.
I really enjoy what TVNewser has to offer. The stories are informative and entertaining. The site keeps me updated on everything that is news. I’m beginning to read this everyday, that’s how much I like it.

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