Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Presidential Election

Share your thoughts as results begin to come in. Did you have troubles at the polls? Did you notice anything awkward at your polling place? Did you capitalize on any of the giveaways from Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, or Ben and Jerry's? Do you like the idea of being enticed to vote? If you didn't vote, why? If you did, was it a good experience?


ejl7wb said...

Wuts up dude! well i will be the first to share my views! Obviously you know i went Obama and prolly doesn't surprise you! Had to vote absentee cause I won't be home till late Nov. I had go around and get signatures for a notary but no real hassle other than that. I don't care for coffee and we don't have one here, or KK, or B&J's, or the one restaraunt so I have to say I wasn't one who go the free offer. I think it is smart to get people out to vote and what is better than a free coffee and donut. That is our society and I have no problem with it. Our economy sucks right now and we need everybody to come out and support someone so we can start to get it back on track. You didn't have to vote for anyone in particular, you just had to vote, easy enough. You could of voted for Mickey Mouse and received the free stuff. If is no different than getting free refreshments and a t-shirt when you give blood! So I all for getting people out to vote and if it is overpriced coffee and a donut, so be it! lol! People that vote should NEVER complain about anything that happens that might affect them. If you were too lazy to take a couple minutes out of your day that need I remind you only comes ONCE every 4 YEARS, then you need to suck it up and deal with it! You are given the right to voice your opinion and you don't?! Doesn't quite make sense to me! I felt good finally voting in a Presidential Election! Was a couple months too young for the last election so it feels real good to support who I think is the best candidate! Now we'll wait and see....

Jacob S said...

I hear you with that. Kinda stinks that you couldn't take advantage of any of the freebees. You're right on with the whole taking the time to vote. It's nonsense if you don't do it. I'm right there with you, I was really excited to vote for my first President too. Did you get to vote for the same amendments and propositions with your absentee? How did you feel about some of the more local issues like the casino n stuff?

ejl7wb said...

Yeah it is good to hear we agree on most of this stuff lol! However I didn't get to partake in any freebies or even a "I voted" sticker :( lol! oh well, next time! I got to vote for everything you did! I don't really remember any of them because it was about a month ago! Sorry, bad memory lol!

Jacob S said...

how did you feel about the casino issue? What about the english language being the offical language in government meetings? what's your biggest concern?

Brad Aslin said...

Hey man. I just want to say that I'm completely tired and fed up with this election, but that being said, I will probably be staying up till the wee hours with my eyes glued to results and incorrect projections. Since I'm away at school, the whole absentee thing was really quite a hassle. First off, our postal service is amazing. Upon calling, inquiring as to why I had not received the ballot that I requested a month ago, I was told that it was sent out last Monday. I received it on Friday and I was at the post office twenty minutes later. So, to my knowledge, I voted.

Anyway, interesting story: At church on Sunday, the pastor went on this whole political rant. I for one, am in favor of a pastor or other religious leader at least saying something, but not going as far as actually endorsing a candidate. But no, the church I attend and work at might possibly be in jeopardy of losing our tax exempt status. His words, I quote, "I'm not voting for McCain as much as I'm voting against Obama!" Wow. I wasn't really offended or anything, more like shocked and amused. He also went on to say that it is projected that "the most godless man ever" is going to me our next president. Let me be the first to apologize to Barack Obama. I think that the Church could make great strides in uniting parties or at least in fixing the notion that God is a republican. So again, I'm sorry democrats that we've made you guys out to be the bad guys and these immoral figures. It isn't our job to judge your personal salvation or relationship with God.

But again, I'm tired of this election. I can't wait for the day when candidates talk about themselves more than they talk about the other guy. I can't wait for the day when campaign ads that cut the opponent down don't begin or end with "I'm so-and-so and I approve this message." Respectable candidates shouldn't spend all their time cutting others down.

I think that's enough for now. I might be back later. Peace and God Bless.

Jacob S said...

wow! thanks brad! that was awesome info. Hard to belive your pastor said that. kinda pulled a Rev. Wright. Can't wait for ads to be more positive too. All of this negativity is getting old

ejl7wb said...

yeah I don't remember the casino issue or the any of the other amendments however I do feel that english should be the official language! I have been in a 3 week thread with a guy who goes to Rolla as well and "works" in marketing! we have been going over everything and got it all out of my system so I don't know what is left! Sorry! he just is illogical about everything and is such as pessimist, kinda frustrating sometimes lol! I am so worn out with all this and in a couple hours most of this should be all over with! What are you opinions on those amendments, since you brought it up!

Jacob S said...

first off send him my way. the casino issue I voted no on because I haven't seen the money from the casino's in the first place. I voted yes on homecare for the elderly, renewable energy, and english.

Jacob S said...

send him to the lutvelections2008.wetpaint.com

ejl7wb said...

Wow so Brad brings up a good point that it is sad that people are voting for someone they don't truly believe in just because they fully like the other. Makes no sense to me, but then again that is just me! There is a person out there that you should vote for because you believe they could make a difference!
Also am tired of knocking the other candidate and that is why people vote for the other guy! They don't know enough about the guy they are voting but are voting for them because they don't like the other! I say we need to mandate adds only be what they plan to do for this country! We need to know what you are going to do and not what "skeletons" the other guy has!

ejl7wb said...

yeah now that you brought up the amendments, I'm pretty sure that is how I voted too cause I remember the casino thing and I am always for english only in America! etc, etc.

Jill Falk said...

Jacob, to answer your question about the "freebies", my husband and I did go to Starbuck's. Trouble is, I passed on the free coffee and did exactly what they company wanted and ordered a $4.00 pumpkin spice latte...I will never hear the end of this. Good job tonight! So proud of my students! Missouri still too close to call...